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  • Peer-Mentoring

    Logo der ZAB, bunte Kreise mit Schriftzug Zentrale Anlaufstelle Barrierefrei
    Three illustrated people on a board with the title AccessAbility
    Illustration © ZAB - Universität Bielefeld

Privacy Policy

Bielefeld University is responsible for this website.

The responsibility for the processing of data on this website lies with: Zentrale Anlaufstelle Barrierefrei

The technical contact person for the data processing is: Anika Voigt

Data processing is carried out to register mentors and mentees for the peer mentoring programme for students with disabilities, chronic and mental illnesses.

Processing shall be lawful if you have given your consent in accordance with Article 6 para. 1 (a) of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 

All personal data is stored on specially secured systems at Bielefeld University and deleted as soon as the purpose of its collection has been achieved.

The data will be treated confidentially and will not be passed on to third parties.

You can assert the rights granted to you by the EU GDPR (request access to your data, correction, erasure, restriction of processing, withdrawal of consent, object to processing, data transfer) against the person responsible for this website. You will find the detailed rights concerned (such as the right of appeal to a supervisory authority) and further information in the general data protection declaration here:

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